Revolutionize Your Communication with VoIP International

Experience Unparalleled Connectivity and Advanced Features for Your Business Success

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VoIP International offers a comprehensive suite of features that can greatly enhance the communication capabilities of its customers. These features can be grouped into several categories:

Call Management

Features such as call waiting, call forwarding, attended and blind call transfers, call pickup, and ring groups allow users to efficiently manage multiple calls simultaneously, ensuring smooth and effective communication within the organization

Customization and Branding

With music/marketing on hold, BLF/call presence, IVR/auto attendant, and dial-by-name directory, businesses can create a personalized and professional caller experience, reinforcing their brand identity and improving customer satisfaction.

Mobility and Flexibility

Mobile App, Softphones, toll-free numbers, intercom/paging, Find Me/Follow Me, and the ability to ring extensions and mobile devices simultaneously provide flexibility for users to communicate from any device or location.

Voicemail and Messaging

Voicemail, voicemail to email, voicemail to text, incoming text to email conversion, and call recording features ensure that important messages are never missed and can be easily accessed and stored for future reference.

Enhanced Accessibility and Security

Features like Enhanced 911, blocking of dialing specific numbers, blocking of incoming calls, and availability of DIDs in other cities, states, or countries contribute to improved safety and accessibility for users

Scalability and Cost Savings:

Supporting popular SIP phones, no large capital outlays, free service calls, and easy system expansion as the business grows contribute to long-term cost savings and flexibility for organizations

Remote Work and Collaboration:

Extensions can be added for remote offices or home-based employees, enabling seamless communication at no additional cost. V-fax service, video call and conferencing capabilities, and wireless headset support further enhance remote collaboration.

Call Center and CRM Integration

Advanced call reporting, queue strategies, monitoring, whisper, barge-in, wallboard, and CRM integration features empower businesses to optimize their customer support operations and improve overall customer experience.

Web and Video Conferencing

Web conferencing, screen sharing, and conference call rooms enable teams to collaborate effectively and efficiently, regardless of their physical locations.

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