If Shakespeare Emailed
The Bard’s Guide to Modern Business Banter

If Shakespeare Emailed: The Bard’s Guide to Modern Business Banter

William Shakespeare, the prolific playwright and poet, has left an indelible mark on the world of literature. But could his wit, wisdom, and eloquence find their place in today's rapid world of emails and instant messaging? Picture a world where business banter isn't just efficient but also poetic, elegant, and deeply impactful. This article paints a vision of such a possibility.

Why the Bard Matters in the Digital Age

Though centuries have passed since Shakespeare's time, the emotional depth, character intricacies, and timeless themes of his plays remain universally relevant. His understanding of human nature, politics, love, ambition, and conflict is unparalleled. Transposing this wisdom into the realm of modern business could lead to richer and more meaningful interactions.

Tips to Infuse Shakespearean Elegance into Emails

While you might not want to pen your next quarterly report in iambic pentameter, subtle incorporations of Shakespearean style can elevate your messages:

  • Tone and Tempo: From Quill to Keyboard: Consider the rhythm of your words, the flow of your sentences. A touch of Shakespearean rhythm can make your emails stand out.

  • Classical Phrases for Everyday Business: Use phrases like "parting is such sweet sorrow" when saying goodbye to a colleague or "all the world's a stage" when discussing a company presentation.

  • Dramatic Flair: Making Every Email a Performance: Channel the drama of the Bard's plays. Create anticipation, climax, and resolution in your emails, especially in longer communications.

Practical Applications of Shakespearean Banter

  • Dealing with Conflicts using the Bard's Wisdom: Shakespeare had a deep understanding of conflict. Use his insights to navigate difficult conversations with grace.

  • Celebratory Messages: The Odes of Victory: Use eloquent phrases to congratulate team successes, reminiscent of the grand speeches in his plays.

  • Giving Feedback with Gentle Elegance: Channeling Othello or Portia can help convey feedback with empathy and depth.

Overcoming Challenges of Old Meets New

It's essential to strike a balance. Too much of the old can seem out of place, while too little can rob the richness Shakespeare offers.

  • Common Misunderstandings and How to Avoid Them: It's easy to misconstrue Shakespearean language. Always provide context or a modern translation to ensure clarity.

  • Building a Bridge between Centuries: Integrate the old with the new seamlessly. Infuse modern idioms with a touch of Shakespearean flair.

If Shakespeare Emailed: The Bard’s Guide to Modern Business Banter

Imagine an exchange where King Lear consults his advisors over an email thread or Juliet plans her escape with Romeo using a secured messaging app. Translating Shakespearean plots into modern-day scenarios can offer invaluable lessons. For instance, Julius Caesar's board meeting notes might warn about being wary of those closest to you, and The Tempest might deal with navigating the storms of modern business politics.

Lessons from Shakespeare's Leading Characters

Shakespeare's characters, deeply layered and multifaceted, provide a treasure trove of lessons for modern-day business:

  • Hamlet’s Guide to Decision Making in Business: Procrastination can be deadly. Make decisions with clarity and conviction.

  • Lady Macbeth’s Tips for Ambition and Drive: Harness your ambition positively, but be wary of letting it consume you.

  • Prospero’s Techniques for Effective Leadership: Use wisdom, foresight, and empathy to lead your team to success.


  • Would Shakespeare use emojis in his emails?: Likely, considering his love for vivid expressions, he'd appreciate the succinct emotion an emoji delivers.

  • How do I start incorporating Shakespearean banter without seeming pretentious?: Start small. Use popular phrases and gradually integrate deeper references as you grow comfortable.

  • Is there a risk of alienating colleagues with Shakespearean language?: Balance is key. Always ensure the message's intent is clear, even if adorned with poetic flair.


Blending the rich tapestry of Shakespearean language with modern business communication can result in engaging, memorable, and deeply impactful exchanges. The key lies in adaptation and integration, ensuring that the essence of the Bard's wisdom shines through, even in the fast-paced digital age.

If Shakespeare Emailed
VoIP International, Earl Rusnak 16 November, 2023
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